This Dynamic Book: "Beware of the Pink Assassin (Your Tongue): The True-Vine (Yashu’a, Jesus) Power of Life and Death is in the Tongue; Speaking God’s (אלהים Elôhı̂ym) “Will” for Your Life into Existence," is being put forth by the “Will” of the Most High Heavenly Father to inspire all youth and all adults who are children of the Most High to learn how to best listen and how to best communicate through Love, and how to Only Speak through the portion of the Most High that exists in each of us, like the True-Vine (Yashu’a, Jesus) did!

Spiritual Trillionaire: Cherishing the Breath of Life While Simultaneously Preparing for the Blow of Death, is being put forth by the will of the Most High Heavenly Father in an effort to inspire ALL youth and ALL adults to attain, maintain and sustain positive spiritual health and spiritual wealth on the path to becoming a Spiritual Trillionaire!

This book entitled: Mind Gardening in the Creative Garden of Will (Your Mind) to Grow a Living Water Mentality! is being put forth by the “WILL” of the Most High Heavenly Father in an effort to teach youth and adults who are children of the Most High about the True Vine (Jesus) Mind Consciousness and Conscientiousness! How? By learning the God (אלהים Elôhı̂ym) All Wise Abundant Right Exact (A.W.A.R.E) Knowledge that ACTIVATES the True Vine (Jesus) Mind Master Gardner – children of the Most High (God) Mind! Thereby, UNLOCKING YOUR POTENTIAL inside YOUR Creative Garden of Will (Your Mind) which ENABLES the children of the Most High to successfully create, be innovative, solve personal and professional issues, accomplish all of their positive predetermined goals, and the POWER to make all of YOUR dreams come true!

The ASSASSINS of DISOBEDIENCE! Invoking the Power of the Most High Through Obedience, Is the Key to Living Your Best Life as the Supreme Ingredient! Heaven or Hell? book is being put forth by the “WILL” of the Most High Heavenly Father in an effort to inspire ALL youth and ALL adults who are children of the Most High, to learn how children of the Most High can live their best life through obedience to God’s (אֱלֹהִים 'Elohiym) Commandments, and to learn whether or not the 48 Laws of Power Align with the Commandments and Laws of the Doctrine of the Most High that the Messiah Yashu’a (Jesus) taught.

This Dynamic Book: The Devil is Lusts, Lies, and Delusions; and The Most High is Love and Truth Without Confusion, is being put forth by the will of the Most High Heavenly Father to inspire all youth and all adults who are children of the Most High to acquire the competitive edge against the children of devil. The Messiah Yashu’a (Jesus) said: “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in there at; Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it, Matthew 7:13-14 (KJV).” Therefore; it is imperative in this sacred moment in time that the children of the Most High are reminded that NOW is the TIME and Change is the Motive to ensure that our relationship with the Most High is in Order by throughly examining the content of our own character!
We greet all members of humanity in peace! Nothing would exist if you Oh Gracious Most High Heavenly Father, The Creator didn't create it. You are alone in Your Greatness; you have no partners that share in your grace. To you all sovereignty is due and you are all powerful over everything. We seek refuge in you, the ever watchful Most High who hears and knows all things! Glory be to you as many times as the number of things you have created! All gratitude is due to you oh gracious Most High Heavenly Father, you are the Creator and Sustainer of all the boundless universes. You are the Yielder, and the most Merciful. The Ruler of the Day of Decision. It's you whom we worship and it is you alone whom we beseech for help, oh Guide, guide us to the narrow path which reflects moral integrity and positive character traits in action of the ones who stand straight, the narrow path of those who earned your grace not inclusive of those who brought an everlasting curse on themselves, those who conceal the facts of that which they know to be true in order to lead the sincere-hearted seekers of your truth astray. Amen.
What does the phrase: “those who earned your grace” mean as oppose to saying “those who receive your grace?”
The word: “grace” in the King James Version (KJV) bible book of Genesis chapter 6 verse 8 is: חֵן Khane or chen pronounced as khān (KJV bible Hebrew Strong’s Concordance #2580). The word: “חֵן Khane or chen” means “favor, kindness.” The word: “grace” in the KJV bible book of John chapter 1 verse 17 is: χάρις Kharece or charis pronounced as khä'-rēs (KJV bible Greek Strong’s Concordance #5485). The word: “χάρις Kharece or charis” means “joy, delight.” So, the phrase: “those who earned your grace” is in reference to those people who are no longer physically alive that have transitioned to a higher life such as: Yashu’a (Jesus), John the Baptist, Yowkhanan Bar Zebedee (John Son of Zebedee who was Yashu’a (Jesus) beloved disciple), or Ab-Ra-Kham (Abraham). The phrase: “those who receive your grace” is in reference to any person or people who the Most High Heavenly Father bestows favor on by allowing them to still be physically alive, and to have an opportunity to experience joy while still be physically alive.
We thank the Most High Heavenly Father who is: The Most High Heavenly One, the Sustainer, the Nourisher, the Provider of Life, and the Creator of the boundless universes, thank you for sending the Messiah Yashu’a (Jesus) who was a willing sacrifice, and for your angelic-beings that protect us, inspire us and guide us to obey you, inclusive of the Sun of Righteousness (Shemesh צְדקָהָ Tsĕdaqah שֶׁמשֶׁ ) who arises with healing in his wings as stated in the King James Version (KJV) bible book of Malachi chapter 4 verse 2, and we thank the Most High Heavenly One for life, for health and for everything else!